Counter Productive

Counter Productive

Quebec City convergence surrounding the Summit of the Americas

compiled by Luca Palladino & David Widgington

isbn 0-9683529-7-9

132 pages

includes full length CD

pulling down fences

download entire book in .pdf (6,3Mb)

With still cameras & video cameras, microphones, pads and pencils,

we recorded our experiences at the Summit the entire weekend,

capturing in intimate and diverse discourse absent in the headlines of most news dailies.

We recorded our own history on our own terms. From within the action. As an action!

counter productive, with the dissonance CD, is a small part of this action.

It looks beyond the Summit fence to the ulcer inside the belly of the beast.

These are dissenting words, images and sounds.

"In the present circumstances, the only thing worth globalising is dissent."

-- Arundhati Roy

rubber bullet

"an exhaustive CD/book project covering issues

raised by the Summit protests"

-- Montréal Mirror


"a culturally savvy design"

-- Montréal Review of Books mRb

listen to "have you ever been to Quebec city" by Mhmd .mp3

"a regiment of stained men passes:

so dirty even Purgatory's purger

could never clean their uniforms"

-- Oscar Hahn



1998-2008 - cumulus press - hosted by koumbit