companion Pieces

Companion Pieces

by Kirk Johnson


isbn 0-9683529-3-6

companion pieces



"read him for yourself and admire what I admire: a strong voice that is both intellectually arresting and unafraid of humour, a clear eye that can limn moisture caressing a back or a crow indigoing dawn."

-- George Elliott Clarke


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I am in your closet, on a hanger

I hear the tap creak shut
And the thud of your footfalls
On the bath mat.
The bathroom door opens
And you rush into the bedroom
Towards the closet.
You finger through your wardrobe.
Your hand pauses for a few seconds
On the shallow of my back.
I am aware of the cool
Knot of air cupped in your palm.
I wait in the damp sweep of
the second han

kirk johnson

Born and raised in Hantsport, Nova Scotia, received his BA English in 1996 from Acadia University. He spent the following academic year crosing Canada to Edmonton, where he studied at the University of Alberta. In 1997, he moved to Montreal to begin his MA in Creative Writing at Concordia University. He has since moved back to his home town where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

photos by

Soukwan Chan

Stephen C. Byrne

David Widgington


other books by Kirk:

For Everyone at the Back

kirk johnson

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