david bernansphoto: Monique Laramée


David Bernans received his PhD in Political Science from York University in 1998. The Gazette has referred to Bernans as a “political gadfly” for his high profile efforts at holding Prime Minister Paul Martin to account for the cuts to health, education and social spending he made as Finance Minister. A documentary film was made about Bernans’ shadowing of Paul Martin called Waiting for Martin. He has published numerous articles in Le Devoir, rabble.ca, The Parkland Post, Alternatives, the Gazette, and elsewhere. Bernans grew up in London, Ontario and now divides his time between St-Pacôme and Montréal, where he works as a researcher, archivist, and translator while studying for a graduate diploma in Concordia’s Études françaises Department. On December 27, 2001, he and his partner, Anne-Frédérique Provencher, became the proud parents of son, Sasha.

Read Bernans' Curious George Meets the Concordia University Risk Assessment Committee. View Bernans' guerilla reading of North of 9/11 at Concordia Sept. 11, 2006 in a video north of 9/11 by Santiago Bertolino.


" As the backlash grew [...] people were becoming much more hesitant about expressing themselves too unequivocally. Protest signs, brandished with pride last April in Quebec City, were now being discretely put into storage. Anti-imperialist T-shirts found their way to the bottom of dresser drawers. Sarah didn't like it. She was frustrated as hell by it, but she forced herself to be as accommodating as possible to people's fear of backlash without succombing to it herself. As Greg had said, she couldn't scare people over to her side because it was her class enemy who had all the guns."

from North of 9/11

north of 9/11



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North of 9/11 info

  • [Montréal : Cumulus Press] 2006


Con U Inc.: Privatization, Marketization and Globalization at Concordia University (and beyond)

  • [Montréal : Concordia University Student Union] 2001

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